ANBC Nonprofit Brown Bag Lunch Chat
Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 9, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ESTLocation
Virtual via Zoom
Contact Information
Amanda Blanton
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Join the Adirondack Nonprofit Business Council for another Brown Bag Lunch Chat!
This month we have the pleasure of hearing from special guest Bates Childress on the topic of: Creating Multiple Streams of Revenue - Building a Four Legged Stool. Bates will talk about the pros and cons of various fundraising methods and how all of them can be used to create a well balanced fundraising program.
We will wrap up the meeting with organizational updates.
About our guest speaker
During his four decade career, Bates Childress spent twenty years working in the commercial insurance industry and over 20 years as a full timefundraiser for a variety of healthcare, educational, cultural and social service organizations, including seven years as the Senior Development Officer at Glens Falls Hospital. He has recently changed gears to focus on helping small and mid-sized nonprofits that would like to improve their fundraising efforts.
Contact Information:
Bates Childress, Founder
Donorcentric Development
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