Women's Business Council New Leadership Meet & Greet
Date and Time
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDTLocation
The Queensbury Hotel- The Warren Room
88 Ridge Street
Glens Fall, NY. 12801Contact Information
Carol Ann Conover
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The Women's Business Council is back in session!
Please join the ARCC as we introduce our newly-elected WBC Leadership for the 2021-2022 term and give our past leadership a warm send-off!
Wendy Waldron
Waldron Works
Laura Conway
Vice Chair
Jaki Rainsberger Membership
Repeat Business Systems
Antoinette Jackson
LookMedia Resource
Jennifer L. White Communications
Berkshire Bank
A light continental breakfast will be available as we meet our new leadership and hear plans for growth of the Women's Business Council for the coming term!
Women's Business Council Mission Statement
The purpose of the Women’s Business Council of the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce is- To promote the affinity group of women-owned businesses, sole proprietorships, and women professional members of the ARCC and to encourage increased business and collaboration among its ranks; thereby attracting more women-owned businesses and women professionals to the ARCC;
- There has been a 114% growth of women owned businesses over 20 years (1997-2017 per Amex State of Women Owned Business Report)
- Women Owned Businesses lag all business by employee and revenue growth (2% and .2% respectively)
- The ARCC is an essential tool for the community. Many women who have no experience in networking or chamber membership may be attracted to an affinity-based welcome. In addition, women-owned businesses that are not familiar with the work of the *new* ARCC can rediscover its power.
- To support, collaboratively, the educational outreach and mission of other local women’s business communities, specifically, neighboring chambers;
- To develop mentoring/education/opportunities for growing vision of women-owned enterprise, women-owned sole proprietorships, and women professionals in the ARCC service area;
- The work of the Council will, explicitly, steer clear of social or political activism.
- The work of the Council will, at all times, defer to the authority of the President of the ARCC.
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- To promote the affinity group of women-owned businesses, sole proprietorships, and women professional members of the ARCC and to encourage increased business and collaboration among its ranks; thereby attracting more women-owned businesses and women professionals to the ARCC;
Advocacy. Education. Connection. Collaboration.