Pictured on Right is Keith Koster, American Legion Adirondack Post 70 Adjutant, accepting the “Betsy Ross” American Flag from Saratoga Flag Company, to promote The Make American Flags in America Act of 2023. Navy Veteran MaryAnn Torres is center in uniform.
Saratoga Flag Company is actively promoting The Make American Flags in America Act throughout New York State and nation-wide.
Spinelli, of Saratoga Flag, enjoyed the opportunity to discuss HR 4137 with Keith Koster, American Legion Adirondack Post 70 Adjutant, at The 2023 Veterans Ball in Saratoga Springs, New York.
Keith was proudly featured in the Centennial edition of The American Legion magazine, for hiking all 46 of the Adirondack Peaks and displaying an American Legion flag at each summit to celebrate the 100th anniversary of The American Legion (the largest veteran organization with 2.5 million members nation-wide).
Koster has expanded his hiking route, and is now reaching new heights at mountain peaks in each state to promote awareness of the American Legion's "Be the One" Peer Support Program, to end Veteran suicide.
Saratoga Flag Company has provided Koster with an American-made, Betsy Ross, 13-Star USA Flag to take on his hiking journey. Each summit will be highlighted with a photo of “Old Glory” tagged with the hashtag: #MakeAmericanFlagsinAmericaAct on each social media post.
Koster’s passion for patriotism, a pillar of the American Legion, will certainly garner more awareness for this important legislation. Keep an eye on Saratoga Flag Company’s updates on facebook, instagram, gettr, twitter, Truth Social, and YouTube; to see the American-made USA flag summiting mountaintops nation-wide!
You too can make The American Flag go viral on your personal and business social media channels.
Take a photo of yourself with an American-made U.S.A. Flag, in your favorite locations, to promote The Make American Flags in America Act.
Actively post the photos to your social media accounts with the hashtag #MakeAmericanFlagsinAmericaAct, so they can be found online.
The Make American Flags in America Act of 2023, (H.R. 4137), is a bipartisan and bicameral bill, requiring American flags displayed on federal property or procured by federal agencies to be manufactured completely in the United States from American materials.
The online marketplace has created an arena where many consumers are deceived and fall victim to the illegal tactics of foreign manufacturers selling and distributing counterfeit “American” flags online.
This legislation also requires the Federal Trade Commission to conduct a study on the enforcement and violations of country-of-origin labeling requirements for American flags sold in the U.S. to ensure integrity of American-made products for consumers.
The Make American Flags in America Act is proudly endorsed by The National Independent Flag Dealers Association (www.nifda.net/flag-bill-hr4137) and The Flag Manufacturers Association of America (www.fmaa-usa.com ) & The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO).
Click HERE to Watch Saratoga Flag's Grass Roots Video Promoting H.R. 4137.
2024 Update:
Nov 1, 2024: Read the Letter Congresswoman Stefanik & Rep. Nick Langworthy sent to the FTC: Stefanik Demands FTC Take Action Against Chinese Flag Manufacturers Falsely Labeling American Flags “Made in the USA”
Nov. 4, 2024: EPOCH TIMES,: Lawmakers Urge FTC to Stop Chinese Companies From Undermining US Flag Industry

Scoutmaster Koster is pictured with Boy Scout Troop 4070, at The American Legion Adirondack Post 70 in Saratoga Springs, New York, kicking off the mission to bring attention to #MakeAmericanFlagsinAmericaAct .